built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

Search: "{ROTATEARC}"


; . 6 uSun Fac 44
3 4 0
fe EE Pinpoint Tractor Array While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is tractored, roll 1 additional attack die.
; . 5 uBerwer Kret 37
3 4 0
fe EE Pinpoint Tractor Array After you perform an attack that hits, each friendly ship with a on its action bar and a lock on the defender may perform a red a action.
; . 4 uChertek 36
3 4 0
fe EE Pinpoint Tractor Array While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is tractored, you may reroll up to 2 attack dice.
; . 4 Petranaki Arena Ace 37
3 4 0
fe EE Pinpoint Tractor Array The Petranaki Arena is a massive edifice on Geonosis that was a key site in the first battle of the Clone Wars.
; . 3 Stalgasin Hive Guard 35
3 4 0
fe E Pinpoint Tractor Array Designed for the unique physiology of Geonosian pilots, Nantex-class starfighters are capable of maneuvers that would rip most ships—and pilots—apart.
; . 2 uGorgol 32
3 4 0
fe Em Pinpoint Tractor Array During the System Phase, you may gain 1 disarm token and choose a friendly ship at range 1-2. If you do, it gains 1 tractor token, then repairs 1 of its faceup Ship trait damage cards.
E - 5 uL'ulo L'ampar 40
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers While you defend or perform a primary attack, if you are stressed, you must roll 1 fewer defense die or 1 additional attack die.
E - 5 uSeftin Vanik 37
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers After you perform a b action, you may transfer 1 evade token to a friendly ship at range 1.
E - 5 uTallissan Lintra 37
p2 3 2 2 1`
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers While an enemy ship in your } performs an attack, you may spend 1 g. If you do, the defender rolls 1 additional die.
E - 5 uZizi Tlo 41
p2 3 2 2 1`
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers After you defend or perform an attack, you may spend 1 g to gain 1 focus or evade token.
E - 4 uGreer Sonnel 36
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers After you fully execute a maneuver, you may rotate your p.
E - 4 uWrobie Tyce 35
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers After you defend at attack range 1, if the attacker modified its dice, the attacker gains 1 deplete token.
E - 3 Green Squadron Expert 34
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers Years of field-expedient modifications were standardized in the RZ-2 design, but daring pilots see the ship's improved reliability as a challenge to further push the limits of its performance.
E - 3 uSuralinda Javos 35
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers After you partially execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 strain token to rotate 90° or 180°.
E - 3 uZari Bangel 35
p2 3 2 2
felrb EEXM Refined Gyrostabilizers You do not skip your Perform Action step after you partially execute a maneuver.
E - 2 uRonith Blario 34
p2 3 2 2
felrb EXM Refined Gyrostabilizers While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is in another friendly ship's p, you may spend 1 focus token from that friendly ship to change 1 of your f results to an e or d result.
E - 1 Blue Squadron Recruit 33
p2 3 2 2
felrb EXM Refined Gyrostabilizers Young beings across the galaxy have grown up on tales of heroism in the Galactic Civil War, and many learned to fly in the same cockpits from which their parents fought the Empire.
E - 1 uMerl Cobben 33
p2 3 2 2
felrb EXM Refined Gyrostabilizers While a friendly ship at range 0-2 performs a primary attack, if you are in the defender's }, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die.


t - 2 uRey's Millennium Falcon If you have 2 or fewer stress tokens, you can execute red Segnor's Loop [ 1 or 3] maneuvers and perform b and R actions even while stressed.